About Me

I'm Marissa, a busy professional by day and hobby seamstress by night. I have been sewing since I was eight, when I took my first sewn garment to the county fair. Between “modeling” my plaid, elastic waisted shorts for friends and family and the blue ribbon I received for my hard work, I was hooked! I took an outfit to the fair each year after that and never looked back.

I was taught to sew by my mom, who learned to sew from her mother. There were some tears, but mostly learning and bonding moments. I still turn to my mom and her sisters when I need sewing advice and courage to cut into that gorgeous fabric!

After a long sewing hiatus to pursue college degrees and get married, I returned to sewing for a creative outlet. I wanted to practice my craft and not lose the knowledge I had gained from women I so admired. I started my blog, Sew Help Me, in 2017 to motivate myself to sew more, learn new techniques, and make one-of-a-kind (and better fitting) garments.

P.S. My mom created my business name when I was away at summer camp one year. I came home to a media kit and started doing small alterations for neighbors; my first paid job.

Please leave comments with advice and tips you've found helpful. I'm always learning!

*Note, I use affiliate links in some posts but all opinions are truly my own. Thanks for your support!

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