Lady McElroy Cotton Poplin Shirt Dress - Minerva Makers


I simply love this dress, from the perfect color palette to the tailored fit it is sure to be a staple in my wardrobe. I took my time tissue fitting this dress and love the results. It reminds me to slow down and enjoy the process because I will love my finished garments so much more. What a hard lesson that has been to learn!

You can read about my fitting process and see more pictures of the finished garment on my recent Minerva blog post and purchase the same fabric while you're there!

This fabric was gifted to me in return for a blog post and this post contains affiliate links. I would absolutely purchase and make this dress again! Thank you for your support.
[name=Marissa] [img=] [description=Hi, I'm Marissa, a hobby seamstress. Thanks for joining me on my journey as I create a handmade wardrobe. Like and follow via the social media links below to see my newest makes!] [(instagram=] [(facebook=] [(bloglovin=]